Bluetooth versions and their differences
This is explained by the principle of operation based on radio communications in the ISM band.
Raman spectrometry
Raman spectroscopy provides important information about
materials. When laser light hit a sample, a small percentage of the
scattered light may be shifted in frequency. The frequency shift of the
Raman scattered light is directly related to the properties of the
sample material. A Raman spectrum provides a “fingerprint” that is
unique to the material. Raman spectroscopy is employed in many
applications including mineralogy, pharmacology, corrosion studies,
analysis of semiconductors and catalysts, in situ measurements on
biological systems, and even single molecule detection.
Semiconductor laser treat chronic rhinitis under nasal endoscope
Many medical institutions have tried various lasers for treatment of chronic rhinitis . There are many advantages of laser performance.
EDXRF explained or how to do the chemical analysis.
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence or EDXRF is known to scientist at least 50 years. It became very favorable tool to measure chemical compositions about 30 years ago. This is due to ability to produce by many companies a portable X-ray source and small Si-pin detectors.
Red light fighting disease and helping healing faster.
It is not a myth anymore. Many people start using red and infra-red lights to fight different health problems. In this article we will try to describe in general terms what does science and medical world know and uses for healing in terms of light.
Raman Spectrometry basic components
1. A LASER source to excite the target (measured sample).
Ir Lasers. Why so different? Safety reasoning.
Infrared, or IR for short, is very dangerous because human eye can’t see it. I remember my first experiments with 5W solid state laser.